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Judicial proceeding and execution of Dorota Vanurka

Mydlar house

Mydlar house

This trial took place in Chrudim in 1587 and captured the interest of all Bohemia in the period preceding the Battle of Bila Hora (White Mountain). Dorota Vanurova was a wealthy miller's widow, a daughter of the patrician Mydlar family, who stood accused of having been aided by three witches in the poisoning of her husband. She was found guilty and sentenced to be buried alive; her three alleged witch helpers were burned alive.

Josef Svatek used this story in his four-part novel Memories of the executioner Mydlar family The story follows the life of Jan Mydlar of Prague's Old Town, the most renown Czech executioner who, in 1621 on the Old Town Square, with his helpers carried out the sentences of the anti-Habsburg rebellion participants of 1618. But what really happened ?

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